Need a school headset for both computer sound cards and tablet devices? Get this popular dual-plug school headset model bundled with an adapter to convert it's dual plug to a single plug that will work with any single jack device. Many schools still have a mixed fleet of old and new devices so we created this bundle so you can use the same headsets with multiple types of device inputs. The popular Labsonic LS9000MC-21P-6 School Headset with Single Plug Adapter is the right choice for classrooms that need both dual-plug and single-plug applications, such as Desktop PCs (dual-plug) as well as tablets (single-plug).
The LS9000MC Classroom Headset is designed and built to endure heavy use in the classroom and testing environments. It is also a very comfortable headphone to wear, even for extended periods of time. A good choice for price and performance. Labsonic is known for the highest quality, best warrantied, and economically priced headphones & headsets in K-12 education.