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These HamiltonBuhl HygenX single-use disposable gloves are in handy packs of 16 pairs of individually-wrapped gloves. These gloves are ready to protect your hands from germs and bacteria wherever you go. Take this pack of gloves wherever you go! In today's environments, stay better protected from germs and dirt when traveling and shopping - touching elevator buttons, touchscreens, doorknobs, handrails, shared objects, and when using public transportation, libraries, schools, office, and home. Keep one of these handy packs in your car, at work, in your pocket, schoolbag, or handbag, and have peace of mind that you have an ideal barrier against germs and bacteria that may be present.


  • Single-use, disposable gloves in packs of 16 pairs
  • Individually wrapped pairs
  • Conveniently sized to take a pack with you wherever you go
  • Latex-free
  • Not recommended for medical use or food preparation
Item Pricing ModelDescription
View HAM-XDG-LG50 $5.00  XDG-LG50800 Pairs
View HAM-XDG-LG200 $20.00  XDG-LG2003,200 Pairs